Well, 'due to larger energy fluctuations' could mean lots of things,
for example it could mean that things are just literally hotter ... because of 'heated' emotions (ha!) ... molecules are jiggling around more quickly and everything happens faster so it would be natural that synchronicities could happen more frequently just by chance.
But I don't for a moment imagine that is what you meant!
However, if you meant something rather more mystical (or at least less materialistic) then, from the idea that energy fluctuations (in a subtle way) could affect the
frequency of synchronicities, it's not such a big leap to the idea that they could affect the
quality of synchronicities as well as their frequency.
It may be a bit sloganistic (and I'm delighted to note that 'slogan' comes from Gaelic
sluagh-ghairm, 'battle cry', I just looked it up) but one might even consider that the energy fluctuations which swirl around emotionally charged situations are carriers of meaning.
Fluctuations ... waves ... carriers of information. A synchronicity may express a quality, and a quality may be suffused with meaning.
One writer has commented about a synchronicity that
This experience confirmed my prior belief, on the basis of no evidence, that ESP was real but useless. The connection between Margaret and me had caused me needless anxiety on the bus without benefiting her.
(http://www.issc-taste.org/arc/dbo.cgi?set=expom&id=00016&ss=1 (http://www.issc-taste.org/arc/dbo.cgi?set=expom&id=00016&ss=1))
but I think that little cameo, far from being 'useless', is absolutely brimming with meaning as it expresses her situation, and that of her friend, so perfectly.