hosted satisfactorily, yes, as in it stays online, but did they ever update the format after many requests. do you remeber that. to stop it looking like an late 90s website. make it easy to navigate and browse, make it relevant for the modern day internet user.
anyway, aware i can ask any question in the world and not expect and answer, i was just thinking out loud about the forum. having an mission statement or very crystal clear objective for the forum would be helpful, but i just aware you would like and forum for belifers and skeptics to debate passionatley. i am not aware of what merlin wants.
if people were debating about an subject that includes years worth of pre discussed information/data/critical information, it makes sense to preserve that information so it can be referenced and not lost to time. if the current preservation method is outdated or hosted by questionable people, it makes sense to copy and preserve outside the other influence, with long term goals of storing the data.
if the current hosters dont want to give permission, there is the option of just taking the data. it is possible is all. now, if the data, in this instance SA, is non profit, as in an persons lively hood doesnt depend on it, then free internet reigns. if it is commercial intellectual property that earns someone and living, then common morals reigns.
just some out loud thoughts.
i think i you wanted to think me through, mr bond, you should under think, not over think. far to many variables.
for instance, youtube links are copy and pasted from the browser address bar.
its very easy to make and word processor make it all capitals or all no capitals.
sometimes when and red line appears under my words, i right click and correct spell the word. sometimes i dont.
all the times, i quickly read through what i am about to post using the preview button. most all times i will make edits and it is then that i add capitals such as SR, if those words are near the edit.
and more variables.
techincal resources are only and 3.8ghz i5 with 8gb rams. enough for open office. i was looking in an sql database the other day, i could find what i was looking for, but yes editing the letters numbers and cases would take finess.
it is funny, bond, who said i have an interest in data gather and preserves ?. or even building user bases and data. that is what i think makes sense for the forum. if we are going to work on and forum, those things make sense, to me. they could also be discarded as ideas, going through one idea after another also makes sense, brainstorming until and workable, good strategy is found. but i would be doing that for you and merls, and anyone who uses the forum in the future. if the remnants of casta net could coalesce into and user base, and could handle talking with people who question them in and neutral environment, that would be great, but it makes no difference to me personal if it does or doesn't.
if i straightened out my brain, i am almost 100% that would be the end of me and the internet, i would never say another word. so for right now, twisted brian is good.
can somebody send and email on the list to check its working.