hello mr j,
while mr g was typing about digital meatless universes, and you were learning how to yell at wolfs, i was playing in an digital world, hunting wolves with an light machine gun (for the fur and meat). of course that means nothing, i just was.*
i do understand it can be hard to describe why and synchro is relevant and made and impact to ones perception. so i will give you the benifet of the doubt.
simulate to call forth the real, makes sense.
call forth and entire universe ? what.
call forth ?
mr g did note in the meatless digitial universe, there is the small matter of the matter the computer is made of. and the matter in which it is placed(and entire real matter based universe, obviously). and the matter that made it.
what use is the simultated universe, how could it bring forth and real universe, considering the simulation takes place within and matter based real universe.
and mr g, reducing meat down to elements that are not meat, does that add or and make anything special or meanginful to the 3 dimensional meat ? and block of wood is also made up of little bits. does that give the wood meaning or make the wood any more than wood. or is it still just and block of wood in the universe. are all those little bits just there to determine that the wood is wood.
mr j, for note, at last we spoke, i opened the book, to exactly chapter eight. but it was no synch. the gloss photo pages in the middle caused to book to naturally open at that point, when meat hands open the paper pages.
if anyone here is of the christian persuasion and has and xmass, then enjoy your holiday.
yours truly,
mr x.
mr g, bring on genesis.
ppss. while we are scheduled to argue about sanchez next year mr j, next year i am also planning to very carefully break the law and obtain and series of substances to examine out shamanistic viewpoints for mine self. so i would suggest that is also and topic; is it worth trying/peeking out of the cave at all, is there anything morally wrong with the attempt due to laws, is there anything to gain from such experience, under what ritualistic circumstances should each things be taken, what should be the focus of the experience. and most importantly, if any one want to join in, despite physical disclocation.
see you all next year.
* (for reference https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLt6T-WeToI)