when i'll see i can enter more or less the sites i frequent, i might be more into savage laughter.
- all my logins got un-logged, all my windows got closed. at least my history was not deleted, this time. you would expect it to run faster, very fast, without a zillion open tabs in 4 windows... but it got - and still is - extre-me-ly s-s-s-l-o-w.
As for rhe result of the last round:Aspen: Bear in mind that each of the rounds so far has turned out in a different and unexpected way, united only by the theme "It's over as soon as (or even before) it's started".
but not this round!
as i said on it's opening,
there seems to have been a synchronicity that sets the next round some time in advance:
i have very few books at my house... all found in recycle bins.
...the last picked-up one... - i took ... for the mere synchronicity to somthing forum4ic.
(besides, not for the first time. ... Bialick's poems - which i found just after writing a paraphrase of his eminent אל הציפור ("to the bird" or "greetings, lovely bird") poem on this very forum.
so: it is well established that the round was chosen at non-linea time, i.e. the time of my finding the books at different recycle bins.
it is also well established (as a legal role for this "game" or whatever you want to call it) that guessing correctly stuff that is surplus to what was asked does count as success (like my guessing the jabberwocky connection and the hand-written "blood" on a hue of a color not far from red background).
now - it is ALSO established that the guesser's dependance of perception on his\her native language counts
"in an formal round would this be allowed, would dam be considered the guess or blood. blood is an word on the cover of the book. …"
Yes it absolutely would be allowed.
My native language is Hebrew.
So look at this,
The very first word posted in the forum, after your post, was dam, which in the native language of the poster means blood
In answer to the new round's question
can you guess a word from the name? or all 3 words?
mis -, accordint to X, said:
miss - "three! blue!"
"-has three words.."
"(god dammit)"
BUT (there IS a butt, yes)
- in and early [=BEFORE it was asked] answer to Xs question
1. the number of words was mentioned in the QUESTION – thus guessing it is… well, nice guess, but out of the game.
2. providing the color IS a legitimate issue, though never askes about…
Here again there are 2 sub-clauses
a. Quote myself
(in hebrew blue is כחול while pale blue is תכלת, thus percieved as a seperate color - as pink percieved different from red. so – is it language dependant? how many colors are they in Russian?)[/]
(providing my guess about miss-'s native language is accurate.)
b. My reply to miss- was
the cover background is changing from off-white to pale-blue.
alas, I was wrong!
googling for the color i discovered - it is not called "pale blue' but "turquoise".
like this (color)
{the outer ring of stones - would you call it "pale blue"? no! it's turquoise! For comparison, the inner ring IS pale blue.}
my mistake!
so - if at first i thought: even if guessing stuff one (hand) was not asked about[=the color of the book's wrap] is taken for legitimate (i did it too, but not INSTEAD of what was asked - but IN ADDITION)
- researching for the color (google and suchlike) i discovered: no! it's not pale blue! it's pale turquoise! thus miss-'s answer is wrong anyway...
but... maybe miss clap-of-the-one-hand (this is what i come to translate "-" – into - not a number, not even 0...) saw another book that came strongly into my mind just after posting my wee riddle... as I saw several in my own guessing…
i glimpsed into my cupboard where i keep my spare books, and - … the interested [one], since it gives a blue impression (background - pale blue +title - dark blue +background of patch + one more element.)
since it became kind of traditional in this "game" to refer to and element of and hidden agenda along the "formal informal" one...
i want you to guess one of the 2 icons - the one on the back.
So – from non-linea time I chose 2 books for guessing, and MisOneClap saw – or if you prefer, guessed - the other, which CAN be called "blue!"
it gives a blue impression (background - pale blue +title - dark blue +background of patch + one more element.)
aspen:Oh dear! Tears of laughter rolling down. What to do? I invite guidance from the forum.
what kind of guidance you need, aspenito? the kind one can't phathom without some nerdish disposition? (I spend the day trying to post, than trying to email you that i can't post and postponing the "game" until it is settled) a joke to laugh to? a quesion to dance on? or what?
and what's now?
P.S. X: which car would better describe the one you travel in with miss ClapOneHand?
i delet the address of that pic – it's 26 pages, maybe without it I'll be able to send the mail (which so far I couldn't)
I have it in the doc. (couldn’t sent it… copied to another doc )
Hmm.. no button to attach the pic I printscreened… maybe I can copy-past it from the word doc. Here is the stills I printscreened: